Post-Doctoral Research Positions in Exoplanet Imaging

Baltimore, Maryland, United States

Full Time

7 months ago

Job description

The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) invites applications for one or more postdoctoral positions on high contrast imaging of exoplanetary systems and circumstellar disks with Hubble, JWST, and the Roman Coronagraph.

We expect up to three positions, spanning high contrast science across all three missions:

  •  JWST exoplanet imaging (lead: Dr. Marshall Perrin). The successful candidate will work on analysis and interpretation of JWST high contrast imaging and spectroscopy of young Jovian planets and disks, as a member of the Telescope Guaranteed Time Observations team. This position will place emphasis on optimizing data reduction methods for high contrast with JWST, and performing detailed characterization of key imaged exoplanets and brown dwarfs.
  •  HST disk imaging (leads: Drs. Dean Hines and John Debes): The successful candidate will work on the analysis and interpretation of HST high contrast imaging of nearby stars with faint debris disks. The project will be to detect and characterize debris disks around nearby stars with the goal of informing future scattered light imaging of exo-zodis with Roman/CGI and the Habitable Worlds Observatory.
  •  Roman Coronagraph (lead: Dr. Laurent Pueyo). The successful candidate will work as a member of the Roman Coronagraph Community Participation Program team. They will characterize CGI performances based on ground test data and optimize possible observations during the mission’s technology demonstration phase. This position will place a particular emphasis on data-driven investigations that help optimize CGI performances while maturing technologies relevant to the future Habitable World Observatory.

 The successful candidate(s) will join our team and US and international collaborators in analyzing, interpreting, and reporting results from one or more of these programs. Candidates should indicate interest in one or more of these research topics, and describe the skills or expertise in high contrast imaging they will bring. We also encourage postdocs to develop and lead their own related research projects through the HST, JWST, and NASA ROSES annual calls for proposals.  The nominal start date will be in Summer/Fall 2024. Initial appointment will be for two years, with renewal possible for a third year, subject to satisfactory performance and continued funding.

 We welcome inquiries about these postdoctoral positions at,, and

 Applicants shall hold a Ph.D. degree in Astronomy, Physics, or related fields by the start of the position. Experience in one or more of the following areas is desirable: (a) high contrast imaging and spectroscopy data reduction (b) modeling of exoplanet atmospheres and/or circumstellar disks (c) high contrast instrumentation development, integration, and characterization. Equally important is the willingness to take on new projects, learn new skills, and work collaboratively to bring projects to fruition.

Members of STScI’s ~ 20 person Exoplanetary Systems Imaging Group currently lead a wide range of studies of nearby planetary systems, including exoplanets, brown dwarfs, and circumstellar disks, using data from both ground and space.  For example, current efforts include characterization of exoplanet atmospheres from 3-15 microns as observed with JWST NIRCam and MIRI coronagraphy, developing advanced data processing methods for imaging spectroscopy of exoplanets with JWST’s NIRSpec and MIRI IFUs, characterization of exoplanets using VLTI ExoGRAVITY, and laboratory technology development towards the Habitable Worlds Observatory.

 The combination of the Space Telescope Science Institute and the Johns Hopkins Department of Physics and Astronomy make Baltimore one of the top centers for astronomy research in the world. Successful applicants will benefit from a stimulating scientific environment rich in colloquia, journal clubs, and collaboration. They will also have broad access to learning opportunities related to the missions supported by STScI (Hubble, JWST, and Roman), a postdoc mentoring program, and interaction with the local John Hopkins University community and the broader Maryland scientific community (e.g., NASA Goddard, University of Maryland, JHU APL).  STScI offers an excellent benefits package, competitive salaries, and a stimulating work environment. STScI's pay is commensurate to the year of Ph.D.

Please only use this link to apply:

The following materials will be requested in PDF format: a brief cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, and a concise (1-3 page) statement of research interests, accomplishments, and relevant technical expertise. Complete applications received by February 15, 2024, will receive full consideration. In the application, please provide the names and email addresses of three people who can provide letters of reference. Reference letters will be requested after the first round of review.

 Questions regarding the application process can be sent directly to

STScI sees the diversity of our staff as a strategic priority in our desire to create a first-rate scientific community. We reflect that commitment in strongly encouraging women, minorities, veterans and disabled individuals to apply for these opportunities. As an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer, STScI does not discriminate because of race, sex, color, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, lawful political affiliations, veteran status, or mental or physical handicap. Veterans, disabled or wounded warriors needing assistance with the employment process can contact us at





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